Master Class
An artistic home for actors at every level of the film, television, and theater industry, it provides an extraordinarily clear, direct, dynamic, custom-tailored approach, a challenging yet safe and supportive creative environment, flexible scheduling, and the finest, most efficient, most effective comprehensive training in the art and craft of acting you will find anywhere.
Our ongoing Master Class is a special combination of resources:
A class in acting technique — a place to learn, gain confidence, expand your creative range, and develop a sure, powerful, adaptable working process
An actor’s gymnasium — a place to tune your acting instrument, reconnect with fellow acting artists and artistic goals, explore new kinds of work, practice, and hone your skills
A coaching platform — a place to get immediate, specific help with all kinds of upcoming auditions and current projects
Through detailed work on a wide range of comic and dramatic material—contemporary and classical scenes and monologues, songs, commercial copy, and all kinds of film, television, and theater audition sides—we equip each actor with vocabulary, tools, working principles, and skills to approach any acting task on stage or on screen with honesty, clarity, depth, and confidence.
We place a special emphasis on the acting artist as athlete, practical application of actor training principles, and real professional situations. You will rediscover your craft. You will book gigs. You will amaze the people.
Four 3-hour classes each month. Flexible date plans also available. See FAQs for more.
Virtual classes take place on Zoom. In-person classes are in Midtown Manhattan, NYC.
$400 / month
Master Class Packages
Save by purchasing multiple months of class with our Master Class Packages and Flex Passes! We have options that work for every schedule. See FAQs for details.
2 month packages
$700 consecutive
$750 non-consecutive
3 month packages
$480 - 4 flex dates
$880 - 8 flex dates
$2400 - 24 flex dates
Upcoming Master Class Dates
THURSDAY, april 3, 2025
6:00-8:30 PM ET on zoom
Already Studying with us?
Log into the Studio Portal to register
+ How many students are in the Master Class?
We cap our Master Class at six students in each of our four sections each month. We work hard to make sure everyone gets individual attention, time to work in-depth, and an equal number of opportunities to present work each month.
+ What's the Master Class like? How is it structured?
Our Master Class is ongoing, until the end of time, with some breaks throughout each year. New actors are admitted by audition and interview at the start of each month (each four-week session). The month-by-month schedule is built to accommodate the flexibility necessary in an actor's life and career—once admitted to the Studio, you are welcome to register for the Master Class whenever your schedule permits, for as many months at a time as you’d like.
Currently, Monday and Tuesday Master Class sections are in-person in Midtown Manhattan, New York City (6:00 pm to 9:00 pm ET on Mondays, 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm on Tuesdays). Master Class sections on Wednesdays and Thursdays (6:00 pm to 9:00 pm ET on Wednesdays, 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm ET on Thursdays) are via Zoom.
Each Master Class, whether in-person or virtual, is three hours long. We work in classic master class format: actors take turns presenting work in front of the class, and we work together on whatever they need to work on, while the rest of the class actively observes. Every actor is guaranteed to work twice in each four-week class session (or every four Flex Dates), and sometimes more when there’s extra time. Read more about what you can expect from Ken and the Master Class in Our Approach.
+ What are the Master Class package options and which is right for me?
The Ken Studio has several options for purchasing multiple months of Master Class at varying levels of discounts and to fit every kind of schedule. We offer 2 and 3 Month Packages, Consecutive or Non-Consecutive, as well as Flexible Date Plans.
Our Consecutive Master Class Packages provide our best class discounts and are exactly what they sound like—start your class package whenever is convenient for you, but use all 2 or 3 months back-to-back. If you do not use your Consecutive Package back-to-back, the unused months will expire. You can always reach out to us to discuss extenuating circumstances.
Our Non-Consecutive Packages also come in 2 or 3 month options, but they work a little differently. With your 2 Month Non-Consecutive Master Class Package, use your first month whenever is convenient for you, then use your second month at any point in the following 6 months. For your 3 Month Non-Consecutive Master Class Package, you'll have the following 9 months to use your remaining 2 months of class. If 6 months pass after using the first month in your 2 Month Non-Consecutive Package and you have not used your second month, that unused month will expire. If 9 months pass after using the first month in your 3 Month Non-Consecutive Package and you have not used one or both of your remaining months, those unused months will expire. Ask our team for options if you have extenuating circumstances.
For information about Flexible Date Plans, see below.
+ What are Flex Dates and how do they work?
Flexible Date Plans, or Flex Passes, for the Master Class are available for actors with especially tricky schedules. Flex Dates are available in packages of four, eight, and twenty-four, and they never expire—use them anytime. Simply reserve the specific dates you’d like in any given month by the registration deadline for that month. It is possible to upgrade in mid-session from a regular plan to a flexible date plan for the difference in price ($80 to upgrade from 1 month of regular class to a 4-date flex plan, etc.) as long as there is room in the desired class date(s). Ask our Team for details.
Good news! You can now use your Flex Dates to pay for a Drop-In working spot should one become available. Ask us if you're interested in joining our Drop-In Waitlist.
+ What Material Do I Work on In Class?
Generally, you pick your own material. We work on all kinds of film, TV, and theater material and all kinds of acting tasks. Actors often use the Master Class to prepare for specific auditions and current gigs, and we do prioritize that work when we can. Please keep in mind that working slots for each month are set before the month begins—we can never guarantee a class working spot directly before an audition.
+ Can I audit the Master Class?
To ensure a safe, concentrated working environment, we only allow actors who have auditioned and been admitted to the Studio to observe regular Master Class sessions. But we do have specially scheduled Open Houses! These are FREE, and they are great opportunities to observe the work. Join Us at Our Next Open House. If you are unable to attend an Open House, but would like to get a sense of what it’s like to work with Ken, another great opportunity is a FREE First Coaching Session. Schedule Your Free First Coaching Session here.
+ Do you have an advanced class? A class for beginners?
We don’t distinguish levels and we don’t divide actors into tiers. Just like life and the film/television/theater industry, our Master Class is a mix: a community of experienced actors and newer actors each working on whatever they need to work on, meeting their own challenges while supporting and learning from each other.
+ Do I have to audition for the Master Class?
Yes. It’s an audition and interview—a chance for us to meet you and see a sample of your work to determine if you and our Master Class would be a good fit for each other. It’s also a chance for us to talk about your specific goals and how the class works. Your first free coaching session can serve as your class audition if you like. For actors whose body of work is well-known, an interview is sufficient. Schedule your audition/interview for the Master Class here.
+ What do I need to prepare for my audition?
Please prepare one brief monologue. It can be from a play, or from a TV or film script. The piece should run about two minutes, and it can be contemporary or classical, comic or dramatic. Please choose material for which you feel you are castable. We'll also ask you for your current headshot and resume before the audition. Schedule your audition here.
In our Master Class, there will be days in which you present work and days in which you actively observe. When you're up, you'll be working in extraordinary depth and technical detail. When you're observing, you'll be watching all kinds of other actors working in extraordinary depth and detail. We find the combination format to be ideal—the work is fascinating and everyone progresses in technique much faster.